To make the best laptop deals, you must have the best buying guide. That’s what this article is all about. Laptop buying tips should be at your finger tips before you buy one. Choosing which laptop to buy when you have the capital to purchase it , can be so frustrating. Mostly when you don’t know what to consider before you make the purchase. To make the best laptop deals , you might want to think of what you want exactly, there is no particular right laptop; it all depends on those particular functions you will like to perform with it. There are many points to consider before you make a choice from the available options in order to make the best laptop deals.
With a large RAM space, you get to run a good number of applications on the system at the same time. Adequate RAM is needed to operate applications that involves continuous operation on the system, most applications like this occupy good portion of space on the computer system. For example: playing 3D games, editing videos and others. This is of much vitality, because you don’t want to use up the entire space on your system as this over time will pressurize the laptop and lessen its lifespan. This is one of the major laptop buying tips you should know to make the best laptop deals .
Laptops come in varying sizes and weight, there are many available options, but your choice is dependent on your preference. Laptops like Intel ultrabooks are really handy, light in weight with a high-quality battery natural life and a screen width of 12-14 inches. They have good performance but have limits to performing heavy duty tasks. Others like MacBook Pro have quad-core processors with a number of ports, hence they can be used to perform heavy duty tasks like gaming among others. Due to the numerous functions, their batteries get drained in short durations. The screen width is from 15-16 inches.This is one of the major laptop buying tips you should know to make the best laptop deals .
Laptops with touch screens can be really fun to use but such screens are shiny in nature. Consequently, there are usually lots of reflections on them. This I guess, is one thing you don’t want on your screen since most people especially those with jobs that requires daily working with the computer are likely to face their screens all day.This is one of the major laptop buying tips you should know to make the best laptop deals .
It is advisable to purchase a laptop with a first-rate keyboard with keys of good sizes. A good key should have a fast response on release and good backlight properties to enable its use on occasions where light sources are absent.
The speed at which the laptop operates is reliant on the power of the processor. Several processors have been introduced over the years. The most recent ones are preferred because of their better performance. Intel core i3 is an earlier version that performs slightly below Intel i5. Intel i5 includes the main stream computers. Intel corei7 allows for maximum performance. For example: gaming. Some models like the i7 Y series have low performance while others have four cores that enable enhanced functionality. This is one of the major laptop buying tips you should know to make the best laptop deals .

I am Promise Ekpo Osaine, a First Class Computer Engineering graduate, SEO Expert, Web designer and Digital Marketer. As a way of giving back, I am passionate about sharing news on Education, Scholarships, Internships, Business, Jobs and Gadgets. Stick with me to get real value, also visit