Coconut rice recipe is important because coconut rice is not just a healthy meal, it is also delicious, especially when you use really matured-sweet coconuts.
If you are looking to prepare this delicious meal but don’t know how to do it, here is all you need to know about preparing this delicious rice meal in this Coconut rice recipe .
I think this comes fourth on my list of delicious rice meals. Right after salad sauce, carrot stew and fried rice. If you don’t have the Rice Book yet, pls don’t delay anymore – Get it here or Get All My Books Together at a Discounted Price Here
What you see is a simple coconut rice, super delicious. The only difference between the usual jollof rice and this is the use of cocoanut milk; it changes the taste and impairs the color slightly.

There are actually different recipe, some don’t use tomatoes, I have another recipe in the rice book that is called buttered coconut rice, it’s to die for. 😆 😀
Steps for using Coconut Rice Recipe
First you should spend some time looking for the really matured cocoanut, one big cocoanut would be enough for 4 cups of rice which would probably serve a family of five or six.
When you eventually find the matured-dried cocoanut, the shell is usually dried. Break it, take a bite, if it is not sweet, start looking again. It is important to buy the really matured and sweet cocoanut, it make a whole lot of difference. It should really be somewhat sugary. If you are there, shout – yaw!!! And commence with the rest of the cooking.
The Ingredients for cocoanut rice
Include (Serving – 6 Persons)
Coconut (one big ball)
3 cups of rice
Fresh ground or sliced tomatoes (500ml)
Chicken/beef (2KG)
Onions (2 bulbs)
Maggi cubes (2-3)
1 sachet Kitchen glory (beef seasoning)
Groundnut/vegetable oil half cup (150ml)
Salt and pepper to taste
Step 1
How to make coconut rice
You start by breaking and de-shelling the cocoanut (we don’t need the water inside, you can drink it – very healthy), grate (sort of grind) the coconut with a grater, the idea is to squeeze out the milk from the main coconut. Normally you grate the coconut with a grater and then add a cup of water or two and then squeeze out the white water (coconut milk) which is needed for the preparation of coconut rice. Filter the squeezed out milk and set aside in a bowl

Parboil about three to four cups of rice, grind the tomatoes/peppers (you need about 500ml), your blender should be calibrated, or you can slice the tomatoes if you like. Also parboil the chicken with all the necessary ingredients (Onions, Maggi, Salt, and Kitchen glory – beef seasoning), add water about five minutes later and allow cooking till it is soft for consumption.
Pick the chicken with a fork and deep fry while reserving the stock (water from the meat) for further cooking. Once you have gotten the water from the coconut and also fried the chicken… or not. Sometimes I just add the chicken without frying them.
Step 2 using Coconut Rice Recipe
Set your cooking pot on heat, add half cup (150ml) of vegetable/groundnut oil, allow heating for at least 90 seconds before adding the ground or sliced tomatoes. Now fry and stir the tomatoes for the next 10-15 minutes till it is dried.
Add the meat extract (water from the meat) once you are done with frying the tomatoes, also add the coconut milk, a cube of maggi, add more salt to taste. Allow to boil before adding the rice, cook for the next twenty to forty minutes until it is very soft for consumption.
You can add a little more water along the line. Once it is soft enough to your desire, go ahead and serve with the fried meat, you just made a delicious pot of coconut rice
Serve with the cooked, fried or grilled chicken. Aside chicken you can also use goat meat, beef or assorted meat to make a delicious cocoanut rice meal.
Do you like the meal or Coconut Rice Recipe? Any question? pls leave me a comment below.
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