JAMB exam date 2020 is out.This is to bring to your notice that the JAMB exam date 2020 is now available. All students that registered are now advised to visit their JAMB email address in order to see the date and time that has been slotted for them. It is pertinent to check now so as avoid last minute rushes which will undoubtedly affect your performance.
Also, note that not everyone has the same date so don’t think that your friends time and venue is same with yours even if you registered in the same JAMB center, time and day.
Also, don’t procrastinate concerning checking your venue to confirm its location before JAMB day because your venue might be in another state.
Also, do well to confirm the time of your examination as some are scheduled to write in the morning early hours and others are scheduled to write in the afternoon/evening.
One of my students told me that she registered late as a result she was posted to Ogun State even though she had chosen Lagos state as her examination town/city.
How can i check my jamb result
50 magic ways to be a first class student.
Upload waec result to Jamb portal on your phone
Upload your Waec Result To Uniben Portal
How To Check Utme Result With Phone Number/Email Address
Also, I have a compiled a good list of all the things you need to know before writing JAMB in a video with the link , CLICK HERE
Also, visit this video see the secret to score over 300 in JAMB without reading this link , CLICK HERE
Also, you might be facing correct issues with your academics. To find out, how to read when you don’t feel like reading, CLICK HERE
Also, see how to study overseas for free
Use these Study tips to prepare for your JAMB
So share this article to your friends and loved ones.
Notice !!! There is a new website where students can gain primary as well senior secondary education from the comfort of their home, You can visit learn at home audio website to gain more information.
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Learn more about learn at home audio.
UTME Mock Examination
Be informed that there will be an optional Mock Examination Saturday, February 18, 2020.
Check whether your state is eligible through the internet as not all states are eligible.
When is JAMB Exam date 2020 starting?
Also, the 2020 computer-based test examination will begin on Saturday, March 14 2020
All interested Candidates are hereby expected to visit the JAMB official website in order to create their profiles in earnest.
When is JAMB Exam date 2020 ending?
It will end on April 4 2020.
How To Re-Print JAMB 2020 Exam Slip Online
This is the next step after finding out your JAMB examination date 2020. Most times, Jamb sends the slip through email. In this case, you will need to download the slip on your phone and print it out. You can alos log in to your email on your desktop. But whether or not you get the slip via email, there are other ways to check and reprint your Jamb date slip.
- Visit Jamb slip portal at jamb.org.ng/PrintExamslip/
- Enter your Jamb registration number, Email or SMS
- Click on print examination slip.
How to reprint Jamb slip for Date and Venue
Another method is:
- Visit Jamb.org.ng/efacility
- Enter your Jamb email address
- Enter your Jamb password
- Click on Login
- Scroll to print UTME Main examination slip
- Write your JAMB registration number in the provided space and
- click ‘Re-Print’.
- Print out your slip
- Congratulations, you are done.
Please share to your friends.
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I am Promise Ekpo Osaine, a First Class Computer Engineering graduate, SEO Expert, Web designer and Digital Marketer. As a way of giving back, I am passionate about sharing news on Education, Scholarships, Internships, Business, Jobs and Gadgets. Stick with me to get real value, also visit https://promiseve.github.io/promiseekpo.github.io/
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