Business ideas for Undergraduates in Nigeria have so many opportunities to get rich at a young age. As a matter of fact, I almost consider it a must We’re not saying they’re easy, or even about easy money – but these ideas should get your entrepreneurial juices flowing, and could set you off on your merry way to small-business success.
Idea definition
Business ideas for Undergraduates- Top 100
1.Delivery service – Are there well-known businesses in the area that could boost their business by being able to deliver? Become their delivery service.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
2. Transportation service – If you go to a rural or suburban school where students need transportation to do simple things and you have a car, start a transportation service.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
3. Tutoring service – If you’re attending college on scholarship and know a required subject very well start a tutoring service for high school students or even some university students who want to get into a good school like you. You can also record your tutorials and sell them as downloads online.This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
4. Career counseling service – If you’re a good communicator think about going to the on campus career center and meeting some of the employers and recruiters who are there. Learn what they are looking for and then become a career coach and counselor to other students (but market to their parents).
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
6. Internship connectors – Start an on-campus staffing service where you help local or national businesses connect with the best students for internships and help students who want to do internships find the best opportunity.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
7. Personal training service – For sports? Start a personal training service either at the on-campus facility or a local fitness facility.
8. Late night food service and delivery – If you go to a college in an area where late night food establishments aren’t available or there is only one that doesn’t have a great variety
9. Party promotion – If you like to party, know how to promote and know how to get the right deejays and party people to your events then becoming a campus Diddy might be for you.
10. Onboarding service for international students –If you enjoy meeting new people and are compassionate perhaps you can work with the office of student affairs at your school to create a welcoming service and hospitality program for international students.
11. Graphic arts and design services for presentations and papers – If you enjoy graphic arts and presentation design and you’re good at it, think about offering these services to students.
12. Résumé writing service – Are you good at finding the best angles to present information? Start a résumé writing service helping students put their experience in the best possible format and phrasing to attract interview and career opportunities.
13. Image consulting – Have you always been considered a fly guy or fly girl? Help students improve their image in general or for professional interviews.
14. Hair styling and grooming services – Provide hair cuts or hair styling as a mobile barber or stylist.
15. Group travel service – Do you like traveling and have a knack for planning? Put together student travel packages for Spring Break, study abroad and other purposes for which students might want to travel.
16. Website or smartphone app for rating professors – Some professors are amazing, some are more boring than paint drying on a wall. Your college mates might want to know that and maybe you can start a website or smartphone app to allow group rating and comments so everyone will know what they’re getting into before they register for a class.
17. Student awards program –Team up with student affairs or the Student Government Association to start an on-campus student awards program where students are rated and awarded in certain categories that are relevant to future career success. Charge an entry fee and look for sponsors. This is a cool way for students to get accolades they can add to the list of credentials that can be presented to possible employers.
18. Performing arts troupe – Did you sing, dance and act in high school? Put on plays or performances at your school or in the local community and charge for tickets. Or, start a local America’s Got Talent-type contest.
19. Dog walking or pet care service – If you love animals starting a dog walking or pet care business could be fun.
Bookkeeping service – If you’re an accounting major or just good with numbers offer to keep books for a few local businesses or find customers online.
20. Organizing, de-cluttering service – Are you really organized? Help others get organized and get paid for it!
Financial planning – Personal financial planning is a field that is expected to grow in the next few years. You can get an early start by beginning your financial planning business on campus. Work with students to help them save and manage their money. College is a time when people can really put a damper on post-college opportunities by ruining their credit or getting into debt. Help students avoid this and get paid for it.
21. Photography and video services – If you have a great eye for composing scenes and images consider starting a photography and video service. You can offer headshots to students and faculty and help local businesses near your college produce and post videos online.
22. Mobile boutique – Do you always get compliments on your style? Consider starting a mobile boutique selling to your classmates and be a walking billboard for your own business.
23. eBay service – Place an ad in your college newspaper or a small local newspaper or put out flyers offering to sell people’s valuable but no longer used items on eBay in exchange for a fee. Busy people who don’t have time — or don’t want to take the time to do this — will jump on it.
24. T-shirt company – Really cool t-shirts just never get old and they’re the standard uniform for lots of college students. Come up with neat designs or funny sayings or create custom shirts for on-campus organizations and find someone to print the shirts for you and you’re in business!
25. Freelancing: in many universities and colleges, there are free internet facilities and this makes freelancing ideal for students. Do you know how to write articles, design websites, logos, flyers and the likes, do you know how to write songs, sing, perform, and do you know how to do anything at all? If yes, then freelancing is for you.
What exactly is freelancing? In its simplest term, freelancing is a type of business in which you do particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization. In today’s world, freelancing doesn’t only mean working for organizations alone, there are thousands of individuals who want people to work for them and get paid per work completed.
There are also sites where you can locate these people and companies that need your services. Someone might want you to design a blog or build a website for him, design a logo, flyer or cartoon for his company, business or blog, sing for him, write songs for him, etc.
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26. Tutorials: yes! Tutorials I said. Do you know any course at all? Are you good in any field? Then you have potentials of becoming financially free. You could organize tutorial classes for students in your class or in lower years for a fee. The most interesting part is that they will be willing to pay as far as you know your onions. You can also add the option of writing assignments for people and get paid for it. there are so many people who thrive by writing assignments, why not join them?
27. Online registration services: at the beginning of every semester, there is always a need for every student in any school to do some kind of registration online. Also, scholarships are frequently registered for and the truth is that most people don’t know how to do them. You might have also seen several people who open up registration shops around the school and you don’t know they make thousands in the process. You make your money by charging them a token for the services you render.
All you need to have is a laptop, a generator, internet connection and a printer. You might not really have to be the owners of these gadgets; find people who have and borrow theirs. If you have the money to buy them, you can as well buy them and enjoy all the profits realized.
28. Buying and selling of used products (merchant): the truth still remains that students tend to sell their property at cheaper rates especially during any semester ending. You can leverage on this and rake in thousands for yourself. You can buy these properties like phones, cookers, air conditioners, rugs, mats, etc. and sell them to people living within the university community at a higher price. There are so many people who are into this business and are making cool money.
29. Blogging: this is another sharp way you can make money as a student like me. . There are so many student bloggers who earn a lot from it. Before you go into blogging, you will first find out a niche you can comfortably research and write articles on. You can sell ad spaces on your site or even apply for AdSense from Google and get paid per click. There are also thousands of other ad agencies you can use.
30.Social media management: are you a social media enthusiast? Do you have large fans across different social media sites? You can leverage on this and rake in thousands monthly. All you need to do is to like, share and comment on their posts and manage their pages, groups, etc. for them. Search online for opportunities and you will get paid doing what you love to do.
To succeed as a YouTube channel owner, you would have to get lots of subscribers, apply for AdSense for videos or receive adverts from companies.
31.Student seller: have you not seen your classmates and fellow students sell goods inside classrooms? You must have seen them. As a student, you can make money off some little things that people do not take seriously. You can start selling full scarp sheets to your classmates, sell phone accessories like earphones, headphones, chargers, power banks, etc. and rake in money monthly.
You don’t have to be the owner of these products before you can start. You can reach an agreement with a seller and make some money as you sell.
32. Affiliate marketing: affiliate marketing is another sharp way of making money as a student but requires onsistency and hard work. As an affiliate marketer, you get paid a percentage of the money in which someone you referred paid for a product or service. There are several affiliate marketing sites that you can register under and start promotion. Such websites include,, etc.
33. Event management services: there are several events that take place within and outside your school community and you can make thousands from them. You can form a group of 5 made up of disk jockey (music DJ), comedian, MC, and the likes. The group might advertise themselves and plan events for people and make cool money.
34. Production and sale of soaps and other household toiletries: this is another great way of making money. You can learn how to produce these toiletries and you are assured of extra cash. You can just learn any of these during any holiday or even when your school is still in session. You can sell to your fellow students, lecturers and other school staff at a reduced price and with time, you will be a well-known producer.
Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third-party and has it shipped directly to the customer.
36. Typing and Editing Business
Most students have need to type their assignments, projects and thesis. If you have a personal computer, you can start up a typing business.
How this works is you collect the handwritten assignments and type in the evening, after school. If you lack speed-typing skills, install a typing tutorial software like Mavis Beacon and start practicing.
37. Recharge Card Business
There are 2 ways to run the recharge voucher business. Either you deal in bulk recharge card printing, which is still very lucrative although costlier to start, or you sell as a retailer.
38. Organize Tutorial Classes
You can organize tutorial classes for students in lower classes in your department. There are courses that are usually tough and difficult to understand, and students taking that course will not mind paying someone to teach them the course.
39. Sell Compiled Past Questions
Nothing sells fast in school like past question papers, especially as exam date approaches. You can get past questions from your department and other departments, solve the questions with the help of your text books, then convert it to short handout and sell to students during exams. You can sell the handouts for N200 or less depending on your production cost.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
40. Used Clothes Business
This is usually known as the Okirika clothes business. It involves buying used clothes and reselling to students.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
41. Hair Plaiting/Styling Business
I had a friend who used hair plaiting business to offset all her school bills. What she did was, during weekends, she would visit student hostels and ask for students that wanted to make their hairs. She plaited and fixed weave-on.
You can learn to plait hairs and fix weave-on, and offer the services for a fee in school. You can charge as much as N500 to fix a weave-on and N1,500 for plaiting of hair depending on the going rate in your location.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
42. Manicure and Pedicure Services
43. Barbing Salon Business
This is one of the most lucrative small business ideas in school. It takes a lot to start of money to start on your own, though. If you have the skill, you can look for barbing salons close to you and introduce yourself..
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
44. Blogging
You must have heard that people make 5 figure income online through blogging. Well, let me officially tell you that this is 100% true. It costs nothing to start a free .blogspot or .wordpress blog and if you understand how blogging works, you will be making your money in no time. I will be introducing a whole new course on blogging in later articles so keep an eye out for it.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
45. Freelance Writing
If you have good writing skills, you are missing out on a lot of money. Apart from writing for bloggers who may not have the time to write.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
46. Graphics Design
Graphics design is another money spinner for those who have the skills.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
47. Become a Jumia Agent
Jumia agents help people to place orders and buy whatever they need on, Africa’s largest online shopping platform. As an agent, you get commissions on every sale made through your account.
All you need to do is let people know you are a Jumia agent. You can also promote their offers on your Facebook, bbm or Whatsapp channels. You don’t need any money to do this and it takes very little of your time.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
48. Outdoor Catering Services
You can start this business yourself with nothing or join a team that offers the service to increase your confidence in cooking for events and occasions.
This is an example of good Business ideas for Undergraduates .
49. Professional Cleaning Services
Before people move into a new house, they usually require the services of a cleaner to tidy the place up. This is money waiting to be made.
50. Photography
Photography, amateur or professional, is always good business for a willing mind to engage on the side. For a start, you can target events.
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I am Promise Ekpo Osaine, a First Class Computer Engineering graduate, SEO Expert, Web designer and Digital Marketer. As a way of giving back, I am passionate about sharing news on Education, Scholarships, Internships, Business, Jobs and Gadgets. Stick with me to get real value, also visit