University of Alabama scholarship is now ongoing. The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, is inviting student applications for full scholarships to study cybersecurity through its renewed five-year, $5 million National Science Foundation (NSF) CyberCorpsⓇ Scholarship for Service (SFS) program.
“The NSF found our performance on the first grant exemplary and has awarded us 37 new scholarships,” says Dr. Tommy Morris.
The scholarships pay for tuition, reimburse health insurance up to a maximum of $3,000 a year, reimburse books up to $2,000 a year, and pay for professional development travel up to $4,000 a year. In addition, a stipend is paid each academic year in the amount of $22,500 for undergraduates or $34,000 for graduate students. Scholarships are awarded for two academic years (four semesters) for undergraduates and master’s degree students and for three years (six semesters) for doctoral students. A single student cannot receive more than one SFS scholarship.
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A U.S. government service duty of one year of service in a cybersecurity-related situation for each year of scholarship received is required following graduation. In addition, students on scholarship are expected to serve in a government cybersecurity-related position for a paid internship during the summer term. Partaking in a government job fair in Washington D.C. is required of all students supported by the program.
Criteria for University of Alabama $50,000 scholarship
To be qualified to apply for an SFS scholarship aka University of Alabama scholarship,
- the applicant must be enrolled full time at UAH with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA as an undergraduate and 3.2 GPA as a graduate student
- be in a bachelor’s (junior or above) or graduate degree program in the discipline of computer science, software engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, information systems, or cybersecurity.
- The applicant must be a citizen or lawful permanent U.S. resident and meet all requirements for employment in federal service.
- In addition, the offer of a scholarship is contingent upon the student obtaining admission into a qualifying UAH program of study
- Students selected for this program will be required to sign a service agreement that outlines the obligation to serve in a federal government or equivalent position after graduation.
University of Alabama scholarship 2018 deadline
Your application must be submitted on or before Nov 1, 2018.
How to apply University of Alabama scholarship 2018
To apply for this University of Alabama scholarship , candidates must submit the following no later than Nov. 1, 2018. Applications available at the link below.
- A cover letter that provides the candidate’s full name, school address, home address, cell phone number, home phone number, student email address, and a statement that the applicant is a citizen or lawful permanent U.S. resident; also the cover letter should describe the applicant’s current academic progress (BS, MS, or Ph.D. student) and date of anticipated graduation
- A copy of all of the candidate’s transcripts
- ACT or SAT score for undergraduate applicants
- Two letters of reference (professional contacts preferred, must not be family members)
- A letter from the applicant not to exceed two typewritten, single-spaced pages that discusses the applicant’s motivation for applying, interest in cybersecurity, any past relevant experiences, and future plans; please include any current or past military service
- The applicant’s resume
- Completed applicant information sheet
Thanks for stopping by.
Good Luck! I wish you all the best.
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